The “Guia Digital Nova Barra” application is a project created by lawyer Domingos Sávio de Souza, resident of the Jardim Nova Barra neighborhood, in Barra do Garças – MT. Its purpose is to strengthen commerce in the Jardim Nova Barra neighborhood region, bringing together on a single digital platform all companies, traders, service providers and independent professionals located and residing in the Jardim Nova Barra neighborhood and in the adjacent neighborhoods, which form the well-known region as “New Barra”. The main idea is to facilitate the dissemination of its products and services in order to strengthen and leverage the neighborhoods income and, with this, generate wealth and a better quality of life for the entire region. This application makes life easier for everyone, both those who sell and provide services, and those who buy and acquire these services, because in a few clicks the customer will have access to all types of commerce and services available in the Jardim Nova Barra neighborhood region, being able to be immediately directed to the company or service provider; They may also be directed to your pages and social networks. This initiative mainly contributes to small traders and service providers who, for the most part, do not have the financial or technological resources to adequately publicize their products and services. This application also has a website that will be regularly fed with articles of interest to the neighborhood, as well as serving as a tool for publicizing events and events that involve the interests of the local community and the city in general. It will also be used to keep tourists informed about the main tourist attractions in Barra do Garças, as well as tourist attractions located in the neighborhood. This way, each visitor will feel more comfortable walking around and enjoying everything that Nova Barra has to offer, such as good food and great places to spend time with family and friends.